Frequently Asked Question

My frame-rates are low, but I have a kick-ass graphics card!
Last Updated 2 years ago

This is a rare occurrence, but likely what's happening here is your computer system has more than one graphics device enabled; perhaps both your kick-ass graphics card and the onboard mobo chip as well.

You can check for this by going to V3's folder and opening the "Run8.log" text file. During startup, the sim dumps some information into the log about which graphics device it's using. Run8 uses the first device reported by Windows.

If for example you know you have a GeForce 3090 card, but the onboard-mobo chip happens to be the first device listed by Windows, V3 will end up using the onboard-mobo chip, thus causing your craptacular framerates.

If this is the case, you can either disable the onboard-chip in Windows Settings, or you might be able to use the NVidia Control Panel to set a profile for Run8.

Pretty much any NVidia card that's an xx60 or better (or the Radeon equivalent) should run V3 with full shadows at 60-120fps under most situations, and we suggest capping to 60fps for best results.

By xx60, we mean 960, 1060, 1660, 2060, 3060. The 2nd to last digit is the most important.

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